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One of the most important things in this world is connection. For me, having a connection with nature through adventure learning is one of my greated passions. Here are some of the skills I have developed to aid in that experience.



In the Spring of 2012, I went to COSTA RICA as part of a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician semester offered by Aerie Backcountry Medicine. This was my study abroad, and one of the most challenging things I have ever done. Long days, emergency simulation, rigorous academic work, and physically demanding tasks built character for all of us. We spent the last month of the program in MONTANA learning winter rescue and front-country EMT skills. Between swiftwater rescue, high ropes rescue, avalanche rescue, wilderness orienteering, survival, and emergency medical training I gained some serious SUPER SKILLS. 

I have also worked with multiple outdoor education and primitive skills schools. I was an Instructor at Wild Earth's Children in the summer of 2013 where I taught families some survival and nature awareness skills in the Maroon Bells Wilderness near Aspen, CO. In the summer of 2012 I was the Medical Director at Children of the Earth Foundation in upstate NY. Over the last 4 years I have done work with Primitive Pursuits in Ithaca, NY and maintain a close relationship with their staff in primitive skills workshops in the Ithaca area. I have also taken many classes myself from similar organizations.

Ultimately, the call I hear is to the wild places. I love going with little to the grandest places. I have so much to learn, and yet so many places to go still. Sometimes those pre-dawn hikes and steep treks are the most rewarding. I'd urge anyone to push themselves to understand their limits in the limitless wonder of the natural world.  


Get out there,




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