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I have many interests. But here are some of the things I have pursued in an academic setting throughout my career here at Ithaca College. You have to love what you do to do what you love! 

Renewable Energy Analysis


I have had the opportunity to work in classes and outside of them in energy analysis. From confirming that solar panels are viable in Ithaca despite the grey to formulating a proposal for a biomass cogeneration plant for Ithaca College, I have aquired the interest and skills to tackle the big questions in energy in our common future. 

I am an advocate for hydropower and nuclear power despite the hesitation and opposition among my environmental friends. We need to utilize the solutions we have and stop altering the atmospheric chemistry of our planet ASAP. 

Natural Resources Management


My concentration in Environmental Studies has been Natural Resources Management. This has led me to bridge the gaps between science and policy, history and nature, humans and their environment. Whether it comes to organic gardening, sustainable forest practices, game management, or national economic strategies, I feel I have the tools to understand and implement agendas. I want to promote the wise use of the wonderful things around us! 


From recieving grants in invasives mitigation, working on rehabilitating the American Chestnut to mixed hardwood forests, and blazing trails I have found much satisfaction with participating in the management of the human commons, the Pale Blue Dot. 




Best Times in Ithaca: May-October

Tell me the power in knowing what is around you. Tell me where you really feel home, and what that plant is on the counter, the tree in the yard, the bird flying overhead, the cause of that breeze, the rocks in your yard, the sounds at night. Tell me what you are, and where you come from on this little mote of dust in the vast expanse of space. 

There is no context for our existence, for life itself, without learning about the variety and beauty all around us. Science is a language and a method, nature is the truth. Pursue truth with the tools you have. Sometimes we find bigger truths within ourselves when we learn about that little plant emerging after the desolate winter.

Academic Learnings

Yep, It works!

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